Sunday, February 23, 2014

Guided meditations from Orin

Two decades ago, I became aware of the work of Sanaya Roman, channel for Orin. I enrolled in and completed their "Awakening Your Light Body" meditation course, which I credit for having opened my awareness to perceiving energies.

Now, they are offering two meditations free for download from their website. I used one of them in my meditation this morning and found it very powerful.

The one I used is called "Contacting the Sacred Transmuting Flame," and is available for download at this site: The second meditation (which I have not used yet but plan to also download) is called "Starting a New Chapter in Your Life," and is available at the same link. They include written transcripts of the meditations, so that you know before sitting down what work you'll be doing.

I offer these links for those who may also be interested at this time.

Blessings and Joy,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pam! I will get it today. I am so challenged getting a new business up & running, 4 graphic designers later, still don't have labels. I wait each week for your forecast to see what I'll be working on this time. So many layers to peel!
