Monday, April 16, 2012

Entering the solar storms

Tom Kenyon has just posted a new channeling entitled "Entering the Solar Storms." It's been quite a while since he last received information from his other-dimensional sources (the Hathors) — over a year, in fact. As he says in his comments on the channeling:
"Whenever I went to them and inquired about the lack of a new message they said that they had already communicated everything that needed to be said up to that point. And when the time was ready — meaning poised for another shift — they would give a new message."
The new message (posted April 1) contains some interesting information. It repeats some of what I wrote about in yesterday's Journal — that as we work with the heightened solar winds and higher vibrational energies, our emotions become more volatile. Here is one paragraph in particular that got my attention:
"As you enter this new phase of solar storms understand that they are extraordinary opportunities for evolutionary advancement. They are also, paradoxically, fraught with dangers for devolution due to their intense nature. If you resist the energies of acceleration, you will experience great difficulties in this passage. If you embrace these energies and master them — finding a way to navigate through them with appreciation and a good dose of humor — you will find greater freedom. This freedom of which we speak is a freedom of the human spirit, mind and heart. It resides in a level of consciousness untouched by the dualities of your earthly existence."
The new channeling also provides techniques and an audio meditation to help release emotional toxins and heal the heart chakra.

If you're interested, here's the link to the new channeling, which includes Tom's comments at the end, and the link that will allow you to listen to or download the audio meditation (free of charge):

I plan to listen to the meditation later today — if you decide to do the same, I'd love to hear about your experience.

Blessings and Peace,



  1. Post Script: I've listened to the meditation twice now (it's just 7 minutes long), and each time found it to be very elevating. The first half is a bit abrasive to the ears at times, but feels like energetic "surgery" to help the heart clear.

    As the Hathors said, "The first phase of this sound meditation rotates and activates energies within the heart chakra for the purpose of clearing. The second phase of the meditation is calming and nurturing."

    And the second phase does feel very calming and uplifting -- enough to inspire me to listen again...

    1. Pam,

      Out of desperation, I started doing Bikram Yoga again. Its the only thing that's working to help clear out all the energetic-auric static that's being created internally within our bodies and mental circuitry from all these solar flares and powerful astrological alignments.

      Thought I'd post it because I think others might derive a similar benefit from Bikram's.

