Friday, February 22, 2013

Managing Mercury retrograde

I've been reading astrologer Greg Bogart's latest book, Planets in Therapy, and came across his advice for working with Mercury retrograde just last night -- very timely, since Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow!

Using Mr. Bogart's guidelines and our current Mercury transits, here are some dates to consider:

This week, as Mercury slows to a standstill:
"Some unresolved issue or problem begins to occupy our attention."
Early next week, as Mercury begins its retrograde phase:
"We begin searching for a solution to this problem. Life seems busier, and we often feel more worry and tension. Know that a solution or clarification will emerge at the right moment. Now is the time to think about the issue, research it, gather new information, read, and make provisional notes. At this stage, don't try to organize your thoughts into a coherent or definitive decision, statement, or piece of writing. Simply try to get things moving and get the ideas flowing."
March 4, at the Mercury-Sun inferior conjunction:
"Our minds become clearer and full of ideas. Flashes of insight or new solutions to problems emerge into consciousness. We can contain the intensity of this period by focusing on mercurial tasks: thinking, writing, taking care of the small details of life, gathering information, and trying to shape our ideas into a clearer, more lustrous form. Mental powers are at their peak. It's common to be incredibly busy and preoccupied with our own affairs."
From March 4 to March 17, when Mercury stations direct:
"A time for re-evaluating, reconsidering, and reviewing all decisions or lines of thinking or analysis that emerged around March 4. Now we can edit, revise, and reshape our work into a structure that's appropriate for the task at hand. This is the time to bring a piece of writing, research, or a decision to a conclusion and to shape it into its clearest form of expression."
May 11, at the Mercury-Sun superior conjunction:
"Now, we presumably see the results of the new way of thinking or the decision reached around March 4."
It will be interesting to watch this particular Mercury retrograde period and put these guidelines to use. Let me know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. These are great guidelines to have on hand Pam. I copied them down and will stay aware.
    Thanks for sharing this. :)
