Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Solar Eclipse -- A change in perception

We saw five sharp-shinned hawks this morning.

We live not far from St. Edward State Park, and every morning walk there with our dogs. On this eclipse morning as we were walking, I saw ahead something on the ground -- and as we got closer, the "something" flew up into the trees. A few steps further, and three winged ones flew from one tree to another. Then, finally, as we were very near that tree, five hawks took flight.

And now, reaching for my "Medicine Cards" book, I opened directly to the chapter on Hawk. Here is what I now read:

"Hawk is the Messenger. Hawk teaches us to be observant, to look at our surroundings. The shrillness of Hawk's call pierces the state of unawareness and asks us to seek the truth.

"Hawk's messages are to be aware of the signals in our lives, to notice and receive them. Hawk also calls us to circle over our lives, to examine them from a higher perspective."

The fact that there were five hawks (or at least that was how many we saw) brings in the element of change. Numerologically, Five is about versatility, expansion and flexibility -- all qualities we need when moving from one state of being to another.

This being the day of the Solar Eclipse, it makes sense that it is a time for being flexible in our perceptions, opening our sight beyond the obvious, and seeing the higher perspective. And eclipses are usually energetic turning points, opening new doorways and initiating change.

Perhaps this morning's message from Hawk will become even more clear as the days ahead unfold.

If you have an eclipse story to share, please comment!


  1. I have to say that my hawk showed up this morning as well...but just one. For me I can usually see a bigger picture less than 24 hours later. But this morning there was a smaller bird sort of tapping on the hawk's back, it would fly & tap & fly & tap. Evidence of a job well done.

    But what I wanted to mention was how different...calm the energies feel today compared to the energies of yesterday and the last week or so. I don't want to call it the calm before the storm but you just know something big is about to happen. Which coincides with your "5" hawks this morning. 5 to me has almost always been about big changes...usually beyond my control. Not that we really control anything anyways. ;)

    By the way, I'm curious as to what medicine cards you use. I'd like to purchase a deck as I don't have one. Thanks for blogging...I really enjoy it!

  2. Hi Dorrina,
    How great that you saw a hawk this morning as well! And yes, I agree that today's energies have been calmer than in recent past -- so much so, I had a hard time staying focused this afternoon, and finally gave in and took a 30-minute nap.
    I guess we'll have to wait and see what that "5" was about, and this "calm before the storm."
    I use the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson. I've had them forever it seems, but I assume they're still in print.
    Enjoy the Cancer wave tonight!

  3. Me too! Two Hawks while playing tennis Tues night--and I've never seen any in the trees surrounding these courts. They were being quite vocal, too.

    I found the eclipse energy to be quietly, assuredly, exciting and optimistic; I feel that in combination with some recent sunspot activity, a corner has been turned for me personally, and that the seeming difficulties of the last two years might start easing up--or at least making more sense!

    Love love love the journal, thanks!

  4. So amazing to have the hawk sightings in common! I saw my family of five again this morning (Wednesday).
    I agree that this new energy is "quietly exciting and optimistic" -- I'm very much enjoying it, and finding that being drawn back into frustration or other lower vibrational responses is extremely uncomfortable. Must be time to be our higher selves!
    Thanks for your comment!

  5. WOW, hawks here too! There's a fledgling being taught the finer arts by its parents & they seem to be thrilled with each new encounter.
    My daily environment is quite serene & their calls fill the air with an unmistakable Love of Life. Immediately it took me beyond the concerns of the world into a magical ~ higher perspective.
    Living in the country as I do, I'm happy to give an outward 'Thank You,' aloud & often find myself wearing a smile; a gesture of gratitude for the hawks that lift my Spirit.
