SOLAR WIND BLASTS MERCURY: At a NASA teleconference yesterday, researchers working with data from the Messenger spacecraft offered new evidence that gusts of solar wind are penetrating Mercury's magnetic field and eroding material off the planet's surface. The spacecraft has actually flown through plumes of ionized sodium scoured from the surface and escaping from weak points in Mercury's magnetosphere.So what does this have to do with us, you ask?
Astrologically, Mercury represents our logical, rational thinking process, and our human-level consciousness. Symbolically, the solar wind "eroding material" off Mercury's surface represents how our old, linear ways of thinking are being changed in major ways through the heightened energies that are now working with us. This "erosion" is just one step in the process of opening our rational minds to accept the grander scheme of things, and awakening the Higher Consciousness capacity within each of us.
It also reminds us that even when solar winds from CMEs are not directed at the Earth, we are still affected through their impact on the other planets in our solar system.